ORDER DATES: Jan 12, Feb 16
Back Ordered Items -CURRENT LIST
​Report from warehouse
SideSleeper Pillow- BACK IN STOCK
Printed Sheets—Out of Queen Feather Gray, Queen Earth Stripes, King Grey Burberry ​
Comforter -
NO CREAM/CHOC0LATE , NO CHCOLATE, No Cream/White, NO Q sage/navy, No Q eggplant/red queen
Mink Blankets - We put this program on hold as they did not go as well as we thought it will, Here is a list of what we still have left in King/Queen
BlACK Plaid
Gray Plaid RIBBED
GreenPlaid RIBBED
No twin/Double minks left
Out of Clara Clark brand K and Q Olive sheets, King Gry/purple, King Dusty Purple, King Linen, King Peachy Pink. They are coming in a private label brand called Health Harbor. IF you dont want those don't order these colours until we update that Clara Clark labeled sheets are back in stock for these colours.